Home > Leadership > Jerry McDaniel
Extensive Experience
City of Paris – Director of Public Works
- Directed the financial management, operations and maintenance of the Public Works Division.
- Advised City Manager and Department heads on Public Works issues and solutions.
City of Greenville – Superintendent of Engineering
- Supervised department employees
- Performed Quality Control of all Civil Engineering
- Reviewed design and construction of all infrastructures
- Reviewed building permits
- Reviewed sign permits, zone changes, specific use permits
City of Greenville – Building Inspector
- Review Construction Documents, approve permits, make inspections on all trade construction
Harrison Walker & Harper – Business Development Manager
- Located potential business deals by analyzing marketing strategies, deal requirements and financials, evaluating options, resolving internal priorities
Harrison Walker & Harper – Project Manager
- Facilitated all pre-construction and final construction to ensure a well-rounded team approach to procuring new projects
- Worked with estimating staff to ensure accurate cost estimation, coordinate submittal process, process incoming invoices from suppliers, vendors

Texas A&M University Commerce – Project Manager
- Served as the University liaison to the Texas A&M Systems Office on capital projects and managed/inspected non-system capital projects
- Served as a member of the University planning team and Facilities on-site representative during the construction process
- Managed all projects on campus that involved in-house trades shop construction